A: Open Windows Game Reports, select HTML | Setup and ensure you have selected the reports to include in the HTML. Then click ok, and then HTML | Generate
A: This issue occurs when files are being uploaded to a case-sensitive server (such as a Unix server). Windows servers are not case-sensitive. This change was made in version x.6, so that in all subsequent versions, the software will use the setting in "Html setup | Generate links as" when generating links to game boxscores reports. Note that version x.6 requires the download in order to see the effect of this change. If you are not running one of these versions, our recommendation is to use the "force lower case remote names" option in your ftp tool when FTPing the files. For example, this option is available in WS FTP Pro, under the Options | Session tab. This does not involve changing the links for the entire web site.
A: In the Windows Season Reports or Windows Conference Reports programs, select Settings | Report options and change the 'As of date' field to the text you want to include in your report headings. Then run the HTML | Generate function.
A: The column headers color in the "table-style" format is controlled by the setting in Game Reports | Live | HTML Tailoring | Home Stats Header Background.