A: The player's uniform number was probably inadvertently entered on a play in the match that appears in the game-by-game report. To find this error, load the match in In-game scoring, select Match setup | Participation to see if her name is marked as having played in the match. If it is, you can perform a search to find the play. At the Participation screen, scroll to the name of player in question, press Shift ? to find the plays for this player. Make the necessary correction in the play editor to remove the player from the play-by-play. Use the individual game-by-game
to indentify the match.
A:Follow these steps:
1) Run the Manual Entry feature.
2) Use Match Setup to select the teams and enter match Info.
3) On the Match Info screen, enter the word FORFEIT
in the Record field for the losing team.
4) Select Scoresheet | Line score and enter the line score for the
forfeited match in accordance with your league rules.
5) Save the match.
This information can also be found in the User Guide; refer to "forfeit"
in the index.
A: At the start of the match, in the Scoresheet function, select Game Control | Rally and set Rally to Yes. The rally scoring function will be in effect in this match untilyou turn it off. No additional steps are needed regarding the 25 point game. Select Game Control | Game Number to start new game after a 25 point game is completed.
A: The libero player is subbed in at the start of each game, and therefore gets credit for a game played but not started.The libero stats are then kept in the same way as any other. Beginning with version 3.4, the software includes an option so that you are prompted for the libero uniform number after entering the six starters.
A: Beginning with version 3.8, the software has an option to allow you to treat the home team as visitor for purposes of home-away won-loss record. To do this, load the game, select Match Setup | Match Info, and for the field named Neutral Site, enter H.Save the change.
A: An option was added in version 3.4 to allow the on-court
players' stats to be displayed on the scoreboard.
To do this, set the following options in the scoring program:
1) Remote Display | Terminal Type -- set to Daktronics (or scoreboard)
2) Options | Full subs -- enter Y to enable full substitutions entry.
While scoring the match make sure to manage substitutions using:
1) Game control | Subs -- enter uniform numbers for players coming
in and going out
2) Game control | On court -- reset players on court (if needed).