The areas of TASFTP HTML that can be customized are:
1) Colors - using Live | HTML tailoring,
2) Logos - by overwriting the "vlogo.gif" and "hlogo.gif" files on the target web site directory,
3) Modifying attributes of the "static" html files (such as "xlive.htm" and "xbottom.htm"),
4) Modifying other attributes such as the <refresh> line using HTML | Setup| HTML tags.
Currently, no interfaces for additional modifications are implemented. The "xbottom.htm file" can be used to insert links to live audio, advertising, and other notes or instructions.
A: Yes, by swapping in your ad banner for the file named "xbottom.htm". This file is located in the "liveinit" subdirectory under the programs directory (for e.g., \tasfb\liveinit). Rename your ad banner file to "xbottom.htm" and copy it to the "liveinit" subdirectory, replacing the original "xbottom.htm" file. With the "send initial files" function in the Live setup, this new "xbottom.htm" file will be sent to your website. These instructions only apply to the “table-style” HTML output, not the new “stylesheet” output.
A: Yes, we recommend that you install and run the TASFTP software on a separate computer that is networked to the in-game scoring computer, especially for the faster paced sports such as volleyball, basketball, and even football. Although TASFTP can run on the same computer as the scoring software, by running it on a second computer you will avoid any interruptions to the scoring process that may arise from problems with the internet connection. In addition to running TASFTP, the second computer can then also be used to monitor the internet and to display stats during the game.
A: Click HERE for information and system requirements for the TAS LIVE system. You will notice that we recommend the TASFTP software run on a second computer, but this is not a requirement. This recommendation is made to avoid interfering with the scoring crew in case there are issues with the internet connection, etc, while scoring the game. If using the two computer setup, the first computer is the scoring/input computer, the second is the TASFTP computer, and it will run the scoring software Game Reports, monitoring the game file on the scoring computer, by way of a network connection between the two computers. The second computer will update the "live" files each time a play is entered, and will FTP those files to the specified site. You will need internet access from your press table, either a dialup, LAN, wireless network, etc. You will also need FTP access to a location on your web site (we do not host the live stats). At your web site location, you should create a "target directory" where the HTML files will land, and you should create a link on your web site that points to the "homepage" of the lives stats. Each time you enter a play in the scoring software, TASFTP software will automatically send the stats files to the designated target directory. Our TASFTP tool now includes settings and options for passive mode, for "secure" FTP (SFTP), and also some firewall settings. One licensed copy of the TASFTP software can be used with any scoring software that is version x.2 or higher. Our tech support is available by phone and email, during our regular business hours. We do make emergency follow-up calls after hours and on weekends to customers when necessary.
A: We provide only minimal support regarding networking issues. We suggest that you consult with the technology support people at your end or with the company from which you purchased your computer equipment.
A: The XML should activate automatically - there is no additional code to input. This message typically indicates that you are not running the latest version of the scoring software. You can verify this by checking Game Reports | Help | About. Contact us if you do not have the current version.
A: There is an "animate" function in Windows that you can disable to prevent this "freeze" of the keyboard. Select My Computer | Properties | Advanced | Performance (Visual Settings). Disable the option for "Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing".